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Lego people

Anchor Feedback Form (children and young people)

What did you think about coming to Anchor? GIVE US YOUR VIEWS!

For each question, please select the answer that is closest to what you think. 

Select option

Did the people who saw you listen to you?
Was it easy to talk to the people who saw you?
Were your views and worries taken seriously?
Do you feel that people here know how to help you?
Were you given enough explanation about the help available here?
Do you feel that the people here are working together to help you?
The facilities (like the waiting area) are comfortable?
Were you given enough explanation about the help available here?
The time of my appointments was convenient?
The place where I had my appointments was easy to get to?
If a friend needed this sort of help, do you think they should come here?
Has the help you got here been good?

If you're 13 or above, are you happy for us to use some of your feedback to share the work of our service? 

* required
Your input is valuable, and we would like to ensure you that all personal and identifiable information will be removed when we share this information.