2021 Oxfordshire Schools' Anti-Bullying Survey for KS4

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Consultation has concluded

Oxfordshire County Council works in collaboration with schools to put together this survey which captures data to inform our work to prevent and tackle all forms of bullying in Oxfordshire schools.

The law requires schools to take positive action to deal with particular disadvantages affecting individuals and groups. Schools are expected to be alive to issues such as racism, misogyny and homophobia and take positive action to build a culture where these are not tolerated, and any occurrences are identified and tackled.

While filling in this survey is optional, the information you provide could make a real difference to victims of bullying, harassment and violence. By completing this survey, you consent to the information you input being shared with your school and relevant Local Authority services. This information can then to be used to affect positive change in your school community and school communities across Oxfordshire!

Oxfordshire County Council works in collaboration with schools to put together this survey which captures data to inform our work to prevent and tackle all forms of bullying in Oxfordshire schools.

The law requires schools to take positive action to deal with particular disadvantages affecting individuals and groups. Schools are expected to be alive to issues such as racism, misogyny and homophobia and take positive action to build a culture where these are not tolerated, and any occurrences are identified and tackled.

While filling in this survey is optional, the information you provide could make a real difference to victims of bullying, harassment and violence. By completing this survey, you consent to the information you input being shared with your school and relevant Local Authority services. This information can then to be used to affect positive change in your school community and school communities across Oxfordshire!