A40 - Eynsham Park and Ride to Wolvercote

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Consultation has concluded


Oxfordshire County Council is investing in major transport improvements along the A40 in West Oxfordshire. This public engagement is intended to provide you with details of the A40 Eynsham Park and Ride to Wolvercote scheme for your information and consideration. You can complete the survey form at the bottom of this page to provide your input and feedback on this scheme.

The scheme

We are seeking planning permission for the A40 Eynsham Park and Ride to Wolvercote major infrastructure improvement scheme. It is a comprehensive revision, with required scope reduction, from the original A40 HIF2 scheme, prioritising improvements for sustainable travel.

The proposals will:

  • improve public transport and active travel along the A40 between Eynsham and Oxford. The project will bring Eynsham Park and Ride into operation and provide improved choice of sustainable local travel options, offering faster journeys by bus to a wider range of destinations.

  • enable the development of new homes across West Oxfordshire. 

The scheme is funded from central government sources; Homes England’s Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF), Local Growth Fund, Housing and Growth Deal, as well as from Section 106 developer contributions.

The scheme measures 7.3km / 4.5 miles in length. The improvement works include:

  • Full bus priority eastbound along the A40 between the new Eynsham Park and Ride and Wolvercote

  • Bus priority westbound along the A40 between Eynsham Park and Ride and Cassington Halt (to the east of Cassington)

  • A high-quality active travel route along the A40 between Eynsham Park and Ride and Wolvercote, featuring upgrades:

  • South side new 3m wide shared path continuous from Eynsham Park and Ride through to Wolvercote (longer term, walking and cycling trips will be concentrated on the south side of the A40 moving east of Eynsham).

  • North side new and widened shared path between Eynsham Park and Ride and A40 - Lower Road junction, and also through Cassington.

  • Five new and two upgraded controlled crossings of the A40 for active travel

  • A new junction onto the A40 from the park and ride, located to the west of Eynsham

  • Major junction improvements and capacity enhancement at Cassington and at the A40-Lower Road roundabout.

  • New bus stops and bus shelters throughout

  • New planting and landscaping

  • Improved drainage and flood risk management measures.

  • Road safety improvements, new road signage as well as new lighting through built up areas.

The scheme will be delivered in phases. This is explained in detail in the exhibition document here.

What happens next?

Feedback gathered during the engagement period will be considered as part of the planning process.


Oxfordshire County Council is investing in major transport improvements along the A40 in West Oxfordshire. This public engagement is intended to provide you with details of the A40 Eynsham Park and Ride to Wolvercote scheme for your information and consideration. You can complete the survey form at the bottom of this page to provide your input and feedback on this scheme.

The scheme

We are seeking planning permission for the A40 Eynsham Park and Ride to Wolvercote major infrastructure improvement scheme. It is a comprehensive revision, with required scope reduction, from the original A40 HIF2 scheme, prioritising improvements for sustainable travel.

The proposals will:

  • improve public transport and active travel along the A40 between Eynsham and Oxford. The project will bring Eynsham Park and Ride into operation and provide improved choice of sustainable local travel options, offering faster journeys by bus to a wider range of destinations.

  • enable the development of new homes across West Oxfordshire. 

The scheme is funded from central government sources; Homes England’s Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF), Local Growth Fund, Housing and Growth Deal, as well as from Section 106 developer contributions.

The scheme measures 7.3km / 4.5 miles in length. The improvement works include:

  • Full bus priority eastbound along the A40 between the new Eynsham Park and Ride and Wolvercote

  • Bus priority westbound along the A40 between Eynsham Park and Ride and Cassington Halt (to the east of Cassington)

  • A high-quality active travel route along the A40 between Eynsham Park and Ride and Wolvercote, featuring upgrades:

  • South side new 3m wide shared path continuous from Eynsham Park and Ride through to Wolvercote (longer term, walking and cycling trips will be concentrated on the south side of the A40 moving east of Eynsham).

  • North side new and widened shared path between Eynsham Park and Ride and A40 - Lower Road junction, and also through Cassington.

  • Five new and two upgraded controlled crossings of the A40 for active travel

  • A new junction onto the A40 from the park and ride, located to the west of Eynsham

  • Major junction improvements and capacity enhancement at Cassington and at the A40-Lower Road roundabout.

  • New bus stops and bus shelters throughout

  • New planting and landscaping

  • Improved drainage and flood risk management measures.

  • Road safety improvements, new road signage as well as new lighting through built up areas.

The scheme will be delivered in phases. This is explained in detail in the exhibition document here.

What happens next?

Feedback gathered during the engagement period will be considered as part of the planning process.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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