Swyncombe Footpath No. 39 Modification Order 2024, ref: 03723

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Consultation has concluded

To inform interested parties that the Modification Order to add a public footpath in Swyncombe has now been confirmed and so the footpath will be recorded on the Definitive Map and Statement.


Public footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways and byways, open to all traffic are recorded on Definitive Maps and Statements. These maps and statements provide conclusive legal evidence of the existence of public rights. Oxfordshire County Council is responsible for the Definitive Map and Statement for Oxfordshire and has a duty to amend them when evidence suggests that they are inaccurate or incomplete. Such amendments are made by Modification Orders made under section 53 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. These Orders do not come into effect until confirmed.

Swyncombe Footpath No. 39 Modification Order 2024

Oxfordshire County Council made a Modification Order to add a footpath from Swyncombe Restricted Byway No. 28, SE of Little Park Corner Farm, at SU 6954 8859, running southeast through Thick Wood for 222 metres to SU 6973 8850 and north-north-east through Thick Wood for 137 metres to re-join Restricted Byway No. 28 at SU 6983 8858.

The council made this Order as there is sufficient evidence to suggest that a public footpath subsists and therefore should be shown on the map and statement. This evidence consists of user evidence.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) and Data Protection Act

The County Council will consider all correspondence, objections and representations received in response to this order. They may be disseminated widely for these purposes and made available to the public. Privacy Notice Public Rights of Way, Commons and Town & Village Greens

To inform interested parties that the Modification Order to add a public footpath in Swyncombe has now been confirmed and so the footpath will be recorded on the Definitive Map and Statement.


Public footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways and byways, open to all traffic are recorded on Definitive Maps and Statements. These maps and statements provide conclusive legal evidence of the existence of public rights. Oxfordshire County Council is responsible for the Definitive Map and Statement for Oxfordshire and has a duty to amend them when evidence suggests that they are inaccurate or incomplete. Such amendments are made by Modification Orders made under section 53 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. These Orders do not come into effect until confirmed.

Swyncombe Footpath No. 39 Modification Order 2024

Oxfordshire County Council made a Modification Order to add a footpath from Swyncombe Restricted Byway No. 28, SE of Little Park Corner Farm, at SU 6954 8859, running southeast through Thick Wood for 222 metres to SU 6973 8850 and north-north-east through Thick Wood for 137 metres to re-join Restricted Byway No. 28 at SU 6983 8858.

The council made this Order as there is sufficient evidence to suggest that a public footpath subsists and therefore should be shown on the map and statement. This evidence consists of user evidence.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) and Data Protection Act

The County Council will consider all correspondence, objections and representations received in response to this order. They may be disseminated widely for these purposes and made available to the public. Privacy Notice Public Rights of Way, Commons and Town & Village Greens