Taynton, Milton-under-Wychwood & Bruern - Application to record public bridleways. Ref. 03592
Consultation has concluded
The Council has determined not to make an Order to modify the Definitive Map and Statement in response to this application. The Notice of Determination, Determination Report and Appendices are shown on the right.
The Council has determined not to make an Order to modify the Definitive Map and Statement in response to this application. The Notice of Determination, Determination Report and Appendices are shown on the right.
Key Dates
20 March → 17 April 2023
Notice of Determination (9.17 KB) (docx)
Final Determination Report (366 KB) (pdf)
App 1 - Application Plan (333 KB) (docx)
App 2 - Application Form (4.92 MB) (docx)
App 3 - Documentary evidence (large file) (42.3 MB) (docx)
App 4 - Katie Cadona's User Evidence Form (1.37 MB) (docx)
App 5 - PINS' former Consistency Guidelines, Sn 2, p.4-6 (30 KB) (docx)
App 6 - The highways section of the Taynton Inclosure Award 1822 (1.35 MB) (docx)
App 7 - The Taynton Inclosure Map 1822 (515 KB) (docx)
App 8 - A section of the Milton-under-Wychwood pre-Inclosure copy Map 1846 (339 KB) (docx)
App 9 - An extract from the Milton-under-Wychwood Inclosure Award 1849 (1.24 MB) (docx)
App 10 - A section of the Milton-under-Wychwood Tithe Map 1843 (210 KB) (docx)
App 11 - All Finance Act 1910 maps (11.4 MB) (docx)
App 12 - Forms 37 for hereds. 9, 11, 12 & 19 (788 KB) (docx)
App 13 - Valuation ledgers, hereds. 9, 11, 12 & 19 (3.74 MB) (docx)
App 14 - Jeffreys' Map, 1766-67 (518 KB) (docx)
App 15 - Davis' Map, 1793-94 (116 KB) (docx)
App 16 - Bryant's Map, 1823 (1.01 MB) (docx)
App 17 - C & J Greenwood, 1830-31 (376 KB) (docx)
App 18 - OS strip map in Bndry Remk Bk for Oxon - Taynton, 1876, TNA ref. OS 26-8560 (1.93 MB) (docx)
App 19 - OS Drawing (Burford OSD 163), 1815-17 (2.75 MB) (docx)
App 20 - OS Old Series – 1 inch (1-63,360), 1828 (152 KB) (docx)
App 21 - OS County Series 1st Ed. (Oxon.) – 6 inch (1-10,560), 1885 (679 KB) (docx)
App 22 - OS County Series 1st Ed. (Glos.), Sheet XXXVII.7 – 25 Inch (1-2,500), 1882 (324 KB) (docx)
App 23 & App 24 - OS Rev New Series Shts 235 & 236 (Hills ed.) – 1 inch (1-63,360), 1896 (520 KB) (docx)
App 25 - OS County Series 3rd Ed. (Glos.) – 6 inch (1-10,560), 1923 (705 KB) (docx)
App 26 - OS County Series 3rd Ed. (Glos.), Sheet XXXVII.11 – 25 Inch (1-2,500), 1921 (423 KB) (docx)
App 27 - British Geological Survey map, sheet XLIV, 1856 (291 KB) (docx)
App 28 - British Geological Survey map, sheet XLIV, 1879 (340 KB) (docx)
App 29 - British Geological Survey map, sheet 235, 1933 (363 KB) (docx)
App 30 - Land Utilisation Survey map, ‘Stow on the Wold’ sheet, 1932-36 (827 KB) (docx)
App 31 - Bartholomew ‘Reduced Ordnance Map’ – ½ inch (1-126,720), 1903 (374 KB) (docx)
App 32 - Aerial photo, Fairey Air Surveys, Sortie 18, Frame 5; 03.06.1961 (922 KB) (docx)
App 33 - Aerial photo, Fairey Air Surveys, Sortie 19, Frame 5; 03.06.1961 (1.19 MB) (docx)
App 34 - Aerial photo, Fairey Air Surveys, Sortie 20, Frame 5; 15.06.1961 (1.04 MB) (docx)
App 35 - National Parks & Access Countryside Act 1949 (2.28 MB) (docx)
App 36 - RoW a guide to Law and Practice (15.3 MB) (docx)
App 37 - The former PINS DMMO Consis G'lines, sn 4 rev May '15 para 4.16 (236 KB) (docx)
App 38 - 1950.05.17 Ctte report - PC letters sent (2.27 MB) (docx)
App 39 - 1950 Circular No 81 1950.02.17 (1.94 MB) (docx)
App 40 - 1950 Surveys & Maps of Public RoW booklet 1950.01 (14.3 MB) (docx)
App 41 - 1950.12.4 Letter to PCs with 6 inch map & statements plus timescales (279 KB) (docx)
App 42 - 1951.02.09 Cttee report 1932 paths (795 KB) (docx)
App 43 - 1952-3 OCC checking process A4 (7.05 MB) (docx)
App 44 - 1953.05 Notice of draft map A4 (4.2 MB) (docx)
App 45 - Draft Map (1.88 MB) (docx)
App 46 - Pgs from ROW Survey Objns Draft Map 1953-1955 Ref 152 (G-Z) (652 KB) (docx)
App 47 - Pg from ROW W Area Sub-Cttee Minutes Draft Map Ref A12_Taynton 3 & Milton 17 (214 KB) (docx)
App 48 - London Gazette notice of ROW Survey Draft Map Hearings (331 KB) (docx)
App 49 - London Gazette Oxon Prov Map announcement, 22 Feb 1957 (352 KB) (docx)
App 50 - Provisional Map for Taynton, Milton-under-Wychwood and Bruern parishes (1.81 MB) (docx)
App 51 - London Gazette Oxon Def Map announcement, 23 Dec 1960 (569 KB) (docx)
App 52 - Definitive Map, 1953 (713 KB) (docx)
Who's Listening
Officer: Countryside Records
CAPhone 01865 815835 Email countrysiderecords@oxfordshire.gov.uk
We received an application
Taynton, Milton-under-Wychwood & Bruern - Application to record public bridleways. Ref. 03592 has finished this stageThe Council received an application to record a footpath on the legal record of public rights of way
We investigate
Taynton, Milton-under-Wychwood & Bruern - Application to record public bridleways. Ref. 03592 has finished this stageThe Council investigates all available relevant evidence, both for and against, and produces a draft report setting out all the evidence and a draft recommendation.
The Council consults interested parties on the draft report, and incorporates the consultees’ comments into the report.
The Council solicitor considers the report and makes recommendations.
We decide
Taynton, Milton-under-Wychwood & Bruern - Application to record public bridleways. Ref. 03592 is currently at this stageThe Council decides whether or not to make an order to record the claimed public rights on the definitive map
Data protection and privacy
Please see the Countryside Records Privacy Notice at https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/sites/default/files/file/countryside/PrivacyNotice-CountrysideRecords.pdf
Alternative formats
If you (or anyone you know) needs this consultation in an alternative format in order to have your say, ie Easy Read, large text, audio, Braille or a community language, please email consultations@oxfordshire.gov.uk or call the council’s customer services team on 01865 816000 and we will work with you to meet your needs.