North Leigh and Hailey - Determination of application to record a restricted byway, ref 03461
Consultation has concluded
The Council has determined to make an Order to modify the Definitive Map and Statement in respect of this restricted byway. The Determination Report, Appendices and Determination Notice are shown on the right hand sidebar.
Progress on cases and further information about the process, can be viewed on the public rights of way web pages or by using the following link
The Council has determined to make an Order to modify the Definitive Map and Statement in respect of this restricted byway. The Determination Report, Appendices and Determination Notice are shown on the right hand sidebar.
Progress on cases and further information about the process, can be viewed on the public rights of way web pages or by using the following link
Final Determination Report
03461 Report FINAL.pdf (440 KB) (pdf)
03461 Report Appendices
App 1 - Application Plan_03461.pdf (899 KB) (pdf)
App 2 - Application Form and applicant's plan_Redacted.pdf (14.3 MB) (pdf)
App 3 - Applicant's summary and 2018 evidence.pdf (7.74 MB) (pdf)
App 4 - Applicant's extra supporting evidence 2020-21_Redacted.pdf (7.35 MB) (pdf)
App 5 - Site Inspection 14 May 2021.pdf (10.7 MB) (pdf)
App 6 - Photos of NL FP5 S - U 14 May 2021.pdf (1.05 MB) (pdf)
App 7 - PINs consistency guidelines.pdf (645 KB) (pdf)
App 8 - 1581 Survey.pdf (3.32 MB) (pdf)
App 9 - 1759 Inclosure Award 2021 copy.pdf (487 KB) (pdf)
App 10 - 1759 Inclosure Award Extracts.pdf (6.49 MB) (pdf)
App 11 - North Leigh Inclosure Act 1758 reduced a4.pdf (4.4 MB) (pdf)
App 12 - Hunt's Inclosure analysis.pdf (1.58 MB) (pdf)
App 13 - BHO North Leigh extracts.pdf (1.61 MB) (pdf)
App 14 - BHO Wilcote_ Intro.pdf (1.15 MB) (pdf)
App 15 - 1833 OS 1 inch.pdf (2.7 MB) (pdf)
App 16 - 1884 OS 6 inch.pdf (1.23 MB) (pdf)
App 17 - OS Modern various scales.pdf (5.16 MB) (pdf)
App 18 - 1900 OS 6 inch.pdf (439 KB) (pdf)
App 19 - 1923 OS 6 inch.pdf (551 KB) (pdf)
App 21 - Inclosure routes plotted onto Hunt's map of allotments.pdf (878 KB) (pdf)
App 20 - Beryl Schumer Stone in the Hole_Redacted.pdf (204 KB) (pdf)
App 22 - 1972 - Geology Shakenoak Farm.pdf (4.74 MB) (pdf)
App 23 - 1823 Hailey Inclosure Award Map.pdf (3.6 MB) (pdf)
App 24 - 1990-07 RWLR s.9.3 p1-15 Inclosure Awards.pdf (4.02 MB) (pdf)
App 25 - 1849 Inclosure Act for Hailey.pdf (166 KB) (pdf)
App 26 - 1853 Hailey Inclosure map zoomable.pdf (1.21 MB) (pdf)
App 27 - 1853 Hailey Inclosure award A4.pdf (1.47 MB) (pdf)
App 28 - 1841 Hailey Tithe Map National archives.pdf (4.89 MB) (pdf)
App 29 - 1841 Hailey Tithe Map OXHIST.pdf (1.27 MB) (pdf)
App 29a - 1839 Witney Tithe Map A4.pdf (2.8 MB) (pdf)
App 30 - 1841 Hailey Tithe Award a4.pdf (2.75 MB) (pdf)
App 31 - 1851 Wicote Tithe Map OXHIST colour copy.pdf (307 KB) (pdf)
App 32 - 1851 Wicote Tithe Map & Award Nat Archives.pdf (2.58 MB) (pdf)
App 33 - RWLR course Commercial maps.pdf (796 KB) (pdf)
App 34 - 1766 Jeffreys.pdf (1.77 MB) (pdf)
App 35 - 1787 Cary.pdf (1.43 MB) (pdf)
App 36 - RWLR 19th & early 20th century non OS maps - Hodson.pdf (957 KB) (pdf)
App 37 - 1797 Davis.pdf (1.75 MB) (pdf)
App 38 - 1801 Smith A4.pdf (447 KB) (pdf)
App 39 - 1823 Bryant.pdf (1.61 MB) (pdf)
App 40 - 1831 Greenwood.pdf (1.46 MB) (pdf)
App 41 - 1811 OS Drawings.pdf (995 KB) (pdf)
App 42 - 1880 OS 2500 A4.pdf (6.03 MB) (pdf)
App 43 - 1896 OS 1 inch.pdf (813 KB) (pdf)
App 44 -1899 OS 2500 A4.pdf (4.75 MB) (pdf)
App 45 - 1922 OS 2500 A4.pdf (1.01 MB) (pdf)
App 46 - 1946 OS one inch.pdf (464 KB) (pdf)
App 47 - 1955 OS 10000.pdf (629 KB) (pdf)
App 48 -1960 OS one inch.pdf (456 KB) (pdf)
App 48a - Godson Map 1814-16 A4.pdf (6.54 MB) (pdf)
App 49 - 1852 Jacksons Oxford Journal Advert A4.pdf (10.2 MB) (pdf)
App 49a - 1876 Lease.pdf (10.8 MB) (pdf)
App 50 - 1886 Notice of New Road A4.pdf (756 KB) (pdf)
App 50a - 1950s LOS.pdf (288 KB) (pdf)
App 51 - 1910 Finance Act Map A4.pdf (252 KB) (pdf)
App 52 - 1910 Finance Act Valuation Book.pdf (383 KB) (pdf)
App 53 - 1932 Rights of Way Act deposit PD 1-6-1-4 Eynsham Estate Co. reduced.pdf (4.68 MB) (pdf)
App 54 -1950s Hailey Parish survey map and statements.pdf (285 KB) (pdf)
App 55 -1950s North Leigh Parish survey map and statements.pdf (2.45 MB) (pdf)
App 56 - CECIL objection letter 2018-02-20 _Redacted.pdf (10.3 MB) (pdf)
App 57 - 2007 DEFRA Widths.pdf (1.49 MB) (pdf)
Who's Listening
Phone 07586478422 Email
The British Horse Society submited an application to Oxfordshire County Council
North Leigh and Hailey - Determination of application to record a restricted byway, ref 03461 has finished this stage -
The Council investigated the application & evidence & drafted a determination (decision) report.
North Leigh and Hailey - Determination of application to record a restricted byway, ref 03461 has finished this stage -
The Council consults the applicant, landowners and other interested parties on the draft report.
North Leigh and Hailey - Determination of application to record a restricted byway, ref 03461 has finished this stage -
The Council adds the consultees’ comments to the draft determination report.
North Leigh and Hailey - Determination of application to record a restricted byway, ref 03461 has finished this stage -
Council Solicitor considers the draft determination report and makes recommendations.
North Leigh and Hailey - Determination of application to record a restricted byway, ref 03461 has finished this stage -
The Council decides whether or not to make an order
North Leigh and Hailey - Determination of application to record a restricted byway, ref 03461 is currently at this stage -
If the council decides to make an order, it advertises it with a 42 day period for objections to be made
this is an upcoming stage for North Leigh and Hailey - Determination of application to record a restricted byway, ref 03461 -
If no objections are received, the council confirms the order as unopposed.
this is an upcoming stage for North Leigh and Hailey - Determination of application to record a restricted byway, ref 03461If objections are received the council refers the order and objections to the Planning Inspectorate. An inspector considers objections by written representations, hearing or public inquiry
The legal record of public rights of way is either updated or not updated.
this is an upcoming stage for North Leigh and Hailey - Determination of application to record a restricted byway, ref 03461