Mixbury - Confirmation of Order for Footpaths 30, 31 & 32, OCC ref: 02966&7
Consultation has concluded
To inform interested parties that the Modification Order to add Mixbury Footpaths 30, 31 and 32 has now been confirmed. The footpaths will be recorded on the legal record - the definitive map and statement of public rights of way.
If you would like further details please contact the Case Officer, Alex Humphreys, on 01865 328948 or email alex.humphreys@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Planning Inspectorate Reference: ROW/3255940
To inform interested parties that the Modification Order to add Mixbury Footpaths 30, 31 and 32 has now been confirmed. The footpaths will be recorded on the legal record - the definitive map and statement of public rights of way.
If you would like further details please contact the Case Officer, Alex Humphreys, on 01865 328948 or email alex.humphreys@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Planning Inspectorate Reference: ROW/3255940
The routes to be recorded by the order as public footpaths
Confirmed Order Documents - September and November 2022
Westbury Parish Council submitted two applications to legally record two public footpaths, 2010
Mixbury - Confirmation of Order for Footpaths 30, 31 & 32, OCC ref: 02966&7 has finished this stage -
Oxfordshire County Council investigated the applications & consulted the landowners and other interested parties, 2018
Mixbury - Confirmation of Order for Footpaths 30, 31 & 32, OCC ref: 02966&7 has finished this stage -
The county council decided to make an order to record the footpaths on the legal record of public rights of way, and advertised the order in 2019
Mixbury - Confirmation of Order for Footpaths 30, 31 & 32, OCC ref: 02966&7 has finished this stage -
Objections were received which were not withdrawn, 2019
Mixbury - Confirmation of Order for Footpaths 30, 31 & 32, OCC ref: 02966&7 has finished this stage -
The county council referred the order and objections to the Planning Inspectorate, July 2020
Mixbury - Confirmation of Order for Footpaths 30, 31 & 32, OCC ref: 02966&7 has finished this stage -
An inspector considered the objections by the written representations procedure
Mixbury - Confirmation of Order for Footpaths 30, 31 & 32, OCC ref: 02966&7 has finished this stage -
The Inspector decided to confirm the order, and the footpaths will be legally recorded on the Definitive Map and Statement of public rights of way .
Mixbury - Confirmation of Order for Footpaths 30, 31 & 32, OCC ref: 02966&7 is currently at this stage
Who's Listening
Phone 07586478422 Email countrysiderecords@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Planning Inspectorate Notices
Order and objections
County Council's Statement of case
C Statement of case - Mixbury 07.2020 revised 25.05.2022.pdf (1.71 MB) (pdf)
Appendices 01-24 to County Council's Statement of case
App 01 Order Plan A3 size.pdf (12 MB) (pdf)
App 02 Extract from 2006 Definitive Map.pdf (4 MB) (pdf)
App 03 Extract from 2006 Definitive Statement.pdf (3.11 MB) (pdf)
App 04 Buckinghamshire CC online rights of way map extract.pdf (1.48 MB) (pdf)
App 05 Plan showing wider row network A3 size.pdf (4.15 MB) (pdf)
App 06 Landownership plan.pdf (1.63 MB) (pdf)
App 07 Route 1 T-U-V-W application _Redacted.pdf (1.34 MB) (pdf)
App 08 Route 2 T-U-Y application _Redacted.pdf (1.96 MB) (pdf)
App 09 Determination Report March 2019.pdf (3.42 MB) (pdf)
App 10 Determination Report Appendices A-K.iii..pdf (12.8 MB) (pdf)
App 11 Determination Report Appendix K.iv. part 1 p1-190.pdf (14.7 MB) (pdf)
App 12 Determination Report Appendix K.iv. part 2 p191-392.pdf (15.7 MB) (pdf)
App 13 Determination Report Appendices K.v.-U reduced size.pdf (9.65 MB) (pdf)
App 14 The Order includes A3 size plan.pdf (922 KB) (pdf)
App 15 Mixbury BR33 Confirmed order includes A3 size plan.pdf (884 KB) (pdf)
App 16 Photos of Order Routes and Westbury FP14.pdf (13.3 MB) (pdf)
App 17 Bagshaw and Norton 1994 68 P C R.pdf (14.9 MB) (pdf)
App 18 O Keefe v SSE and Isle of Wight Council [1997].pdf (1.19 MB) (pdf)
App 19 R v SSW ex parte Emery (CA) [1998].pdf (1.26 MB) (pdf)
App 20 Fairey v Southampton County Council 1956 2 QB 439.pdf (1.83 MB) (pdf)
App 21 Godmanchester R v SSEFRA and R v SSEFRA [2007 UKHL 28.pdf (1.69 MB) (pdf)
App 22 Dedication - the Common Law approach.pdf (9.18 MB) (pdf)
App 23 Route1 T-U-V-W List of UEF and STAT DEC 2010.pdf (670 KB) (pdf)
App 24 Route2 T-U-Y List of UEF and STAT DEC 2010.pdf (846 KB) (pdf)
Appendices 25 - 161 to County Council's Statement of Case
Appendices 162 - 200 to County Council's Statement of Case
App 162 Claimed use bar chart Route 1 revised 24.05.2022 A3.pdf (668 KB) (pdf)
App 163 Claimed use bar chart Route 2 revised 24.05.2022 A3.pdf (668 KB) (pdf)
App 164 Summary user evidence Route 1 T-U-V-W 2010 & 2018.pdf (4.64 MB) (pdf)
App 165 Summary user evidence Route 2 T-U-Y 2010 & 2018.pdf (4.46 MB) (pdf)
App 166 Read - Letter to user witnesses 2014 _Redacted.pdf (885 KB) (pdf)
App 167 Read - Letter to parish cllrs 2014 _Redacted.pdf (814 KB) (pdf)
App 168 Photos from Parish Council taken Oct 2010_Redacted.pdf (1.49 MB) (pdf)
App 169 Photos from Parish Council emailed June 2018_Redacted.pdf (1.74 MB) (pdf)
App 170 PC response re permissive path U-V-W_Redacted.pdf (1.38 MB) (pdf)
App 171 1823 Bryant's Map.pdf (868 KB) (pdf)
App 172 1823 Bryant's Map KEY.pdf (650 KB) (pdf)
App 173 1845 Bucks proposed railway plan.pdf (1.06 MB) (pdf)
App 174 1845 Bucks proposed railway book of reference.pdf (1.01 MB) (pdf)
App 175 1855 Stopping up plan title.pdf (1.61 MB) (pdf)
App 176 1855 Stopping up plan whole page.pdf (1.77 MB) (pdf)
App 177 1855 Stopping up plan N end.pdf (1.61 MB) (pdf)
App 178 1855 Stopping up plan middle section.pdf (1.61 MB) (pdf)
App 179 1855 Stopping up plan S end.pdf (1.65 MB) (pdf)
App 180 1855 Stopping up plan key.pdf (1.6 MB) (pdf)
App 181 1855 Stopping up order.pdf (5.99 MB) (pdf)
App 182 Westbury Manor Sale 1931 Catalogue.pdf (5.15 MB) (pdf)
App 183 Westbury Manor Sale 1931 Plan.pdf (1.7 MB) (pdf)
App 184 1885 OS County Series 1st Ed 2500 scale A3 size.pdf (1.03 MB) (pdf)
App 185 1885 OS County Series 1st Ed 10 560.pdf (1.23 MB) (pdf)
App 186 OS County Series 2500 scale characteristics sheet.pdf (783 KB) (pdf)
App 187 1900 OS County Series 2nd Ed 2500 A3 size.pdf (1000 KB) (pdf)
App 188 1900 OS County Series 2nd Ed 10560.pdf (1.01 MB) (pdf)
App 189 1922 OS County Series 3rd Ed 2500 scale A3 size.pdf (1010 KB) (pdf)
App 190 1923 OS County Series 3rd Ed 10560.pdf (1020 KB) (pdf)
App 191 1950 OS National Grid Provisional Ed 10560.pdf (1.37 MB) (pdf)
App 192 1946 OS One inch.pdf (1.8 MB) (pdf)
App 193 1960 OS One inch.pdf (1.43 MB) (pdf)
App 194 OS 25,000 1955.pdf (1.1 MB) (pdf)
App 195 OS 1977 2500 A3 size.pdf (1.53 MB) (pdf)
App 196 1950s Westbury Parish 'Claim' Survey Map.pdf (915 KB) (pdf)
App 197 1950s Westbury Parish 'Claim' Statement FP14.pdf (1.16 MB) (pdf)
App 198 1950s Westbury Parish 'Claim' Statement FP12.pdf (1.15 MB) (pdf)
App 199 1950s Mixbury Parish 'Claim' Survey Map.pdf (3.22 MB) (pdf)
App 200 1951 Mixbury parish claim statement BR 4.pdf (1.57 MB) (pdf)
Appendices 201 - 244 to County Council's Statement of Case
App 201 1951 Mixbury parish claim statement BR 5.pdf (1.65 MB) (pdf)
App 202 1953 Letter from OCC to Thornitt.pdf (860 KB) (pdf)
App 203 1953 Letter from OCC to Thornitt PLAN.pdf (817 KB) (pdf)
App 204 1953 Response from Thornitt.pdf (845 KB) (pdf)
App 205 1953 Old oxon Definitive Map.pdf (1.26 MB) (pdf)
App 206 1953 Mixbury Definitive Statement.pdf (1.87 MB) (pdf)
App 207 1968 Old Oxon Definitive Map.pdf (1.35 MB) (pdf)
App 208 1968 Mixbury Definitive Statement.pdf (1.77 MB) (pdf)
App 209 1991 Letter from Bucks CC rights of way to OCC rights of way.pdf (611 KB) (pdf)
App 210 1991 PLAN Letter from Bucks CC rights of way to OCC rights of way.pdf (885 KB) (pdf)
App 211 1991 Response from OCC Rights of Way.pdf (725 KB) (pdf)
App 212 1991 Response from OCC Bridge Engineer.pdf (610 KB) (pdf)
App 213 1993 Letter from Beachborough.pdf (728 KB) (pdf)
App 214 1993 PLAN with Letter from Beachborough.pdf (1.01 MB) (pdf)
App 215 1993 Reply from Oxfordshire.pdf (668 KB) (pdf)
App 216 1998 Letter from BCC to Westbury PC_Redacted.pdf (829 KB) (pdf)
App 217 1999 Definitive Map.pdf (1.5 MB) (pdf)
App 218 1999 Definitive Statement Mixbury.pdf (690 KB) (pdf)
App 219 2006 OCC Fax to BCC.pdf (610 KB) (pdf)
App 220 2006 Email from Bucks CC.pdf (1 MB) (pdf)
App 221 2006 Letter to Jackie Owen_Redacted.pdf (702 KB) (pdf)
App 222 2008 Email from Bucks CC to OCC re row in area.pdf (998 KB) (pdf)
App 223 2008 Email from Bucks CC to OCC strategic officer.pdf (1.02 MB) (pdf)
App 224 2009 BUCKS CC Consult Ltr APPLICATIONS extinguish FPs12&14.pdf (1.03 MB) (pdf)
App 225 2009 WPC response to APPLICATIONS to extinguish FPs 12&14_Redacted.pdf (1.31 MB) (pdf)
App 226 2009 Westbury PC requests DMMO application forms_Redacted.pdf (577 KB) (pdf)
App 227 2009 Ramblers response APPLICATIONS extinguish FPs12&14_Redacted.pdf (710 KB) (pdf)
App 228 2009 OSS response APPLICATIONS extinguish FPs12&14_Redacted.pdf (691 KB) (pdf)
App 229 2009.10.29 Email from BCC withdrawal APPLICATIONS extinguish FPs12&FP14.pdf (610 KB) (pdf)
App 230 2009.11.27 Email from BCC re no permissive paths or dedicating.pdf (625 KB) (pdf)
App 231 2009.12.07 Email from Westbury PC to OCC_Redacted.pdf (643 KB) (pdf)
App 232 2010.11.10 BCC RoW Cttee Meeting officer report FP14.pdf (1.87 MB) (pdf)
App 233 2010 Beachborough response to officer report FP14.pdf (725 KB) (pdf)
App 234 2010 BB response to officer report FP14 APPENDIX 1 PHOTOS.pdf (862 KB) (pdf)
App 235 2010 BB response APPENDIX 2 DUERDEN Stat dec_Redacted.pdf (828 KB) (pdf)
App 236 2010 BB response McGEE Stat dec_Redacted.pdf (672 KB) (pdf)
App 237 2010 Westbury PC response to BUCKS officer report FP14.pdf (607 KB) (pdf)
App 238 2010 BCC RoW Cttee Meeting minutes.pdf (5.9 MB) (pdf)
App 239 2013 BCC RoW Cttee Meeting officer report FP14.pdf (677 KB) (pdf)
App 240 2014 BCC RoW Cttee Meeting officer report FP11a.pdf (756 KB) (pdf)
App 241 2014 BCC RoW Cttee Meeting background papers officer report FP11a.pdf (28.8 MB) (pdf)
App 242 2914 HA70 s31(6) statement and plan_Redacted.pdf (1.64 MB) (pdf)
App 243 2014 Note of Meeting between OCC and Landowners.pdf (613 KB) (pdf)
App 244 2019 Environment Agency Email re Bridge at U.pdf (1.54 MB) (pdf)
Appendices 245-290 to County Council's Statement of Case
App 245-254 Beachborough's witnesses 2018 EFs_Redacted.pdf (9.67 MB) (pdf)
App 255 Summary of Beachborough 2018 Evidence forms_Redacted.pdf (1.17 MB) (pdf)
App 256 Beachborough Log of incidents.pdf (871 KB) (pdf)
App 257 - 268 Owen's witnesses EF 2018_Redacted.pdf (19.3 MB) (pdf)
App 269 Owen & Reads summary forms Routes 1 & 2_Redacted.pdf (895 KB) (pdf)
App 270 photos submitted by Owens.pdf (1.23 MB) (pdf)
App 271 Owens fencing invoices & photos of new & old fencing.pdf (1.02 MB) (pdf)
App 272 Paperwork re moving heifers in 1999 _Redacted.pdf (950 KB) (pdf)
App 273 Letter from Bletsoes 9 June 2014_Redacted.pdf (922 KB) (pdf)
App 274 READ covering email to OCC_Redacted.pdf (1000 KB) (pdf)
App 275 READ letters to BUCKs 2013_Redacted.pdf (640 KB) (pdf)
App 276 READ Further Evidence in response to BCC officer's report FP11a 2014.pdf (7.33 MB) (pdf)
App 277 READ letter to Westbury Parish Cllrs 2014_Redacted.pdf (638 KB) (pdf)
App 278 READ comments on parish notice.pdf (2.31 MB) (pdf)
App 279 READ Ian Route2 Evidence Form 2018_Redacted.pdf (1.6 MB) (pdf)
App 280 READ Julia Route2 Evidence Form 2018_Redacted.pdf (1.29 MB) (pdf)
SoC App 281 2019.05.16 Emails with OBJECTOR WHO WITHDREW re extension _Redacted.pdf (1.76 MB) (pdf)
App 283 DAVID OWEN objection_Redacted.pdf (1.23 MB) (pdf)
App 284 KARIN OWEN FP30 objection_Redacted.pdf (676 KB) (pdf)
App 285 KARIN OWEN FP31 objection_Redacted.pdf (913 KB) (pdf)
App 286 KARIN OWEN FP32 objection_Redacted.pdf (650 KB) (pdf)
App 287 Environment Agency representation.pdf (1.54 MB) (pdf)
App 288 Cherwell DC PROW representation.pdf (1.73 MB) (pdf)
App 290 PINs Order decision Westbury BR36 2015.pdf (4.01 MB) (pdf)